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Project | 01
Offshore Air filtration System

A simple representation of a design for air filtration that helps divers working offshore in the oil and gas industry.

Pressure and air simulations using CFD tools was carried out on the structure

Project | 02
Hydroponics farming system

A design entry for a competition held in Nigeria.
This is a hydroponics farming system that is semi automated with little need of human interaction. It's goal is to aid in localized farming structures where land is not readily available.

This setup was designed to act as a Digital Twin before on-site implementation.

Project | 03
NASA Lunar Loo Challenge

The COSMOS ANYONGBETO as i would come to call it, was my entry as a design engineer for the NASA Lunar loo challenge held back in 2020.
The system makes use of a sophisticated separation system of the various human waste of the astronauts.

To see more of my modelled projects, do check my GrabCAD Link >>
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